Marbling Inks
Standard Set: contains 10 x 25ml bottles -assorted colours
Fluorescent Set: contains 8 x 25ml bottles - assorted colours
Metallic Set: contains 6 x 25ml bottles - assorted colours
Quality range of easy to use oil based Marbling Inks. Suitable for everyday use in the classroom, these brightly coloured inks can be used on a multitude of surfaces including Paper, Card, Wood, Balloons and Boxes etc. Simply half fill a tray with water and add a few drops of ink, stir then place object to be marbled on top of liquid and Hey Presto it's done. The inks are very economic to use requiring just a few drops for each object. Finished pieces can then be incorporated into other pieces of work.
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(£9.78 + VAT)
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(£9.78 + VAT)
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