Monday 21st April 2025
(Easter Monday) 9.00am - 5.00pm
It's two years since our last great Easter Sale Day, but we are once again holding our mega sale on Easter Monday. This year we are focusing on many wholesale clearance lots but there will also be some great deals on our remaining fine art materials
Call in for some great bargains, open all day Easter Monday.
Located at our factory shop @
The Art Centre, Marshfield Bank Ind. Estate, Crewe. CW2 8UY
On offer will be Sketchbooks in all shapes and sizes - perfect for schools with ever tightening budgets well worth a look
A variety of card at clearance prices
Oddments of craft materials including printed transparent cellophane / star crepe / foil rolls / Pearlescent paper sheets.
All Winsor and Newton paints 50% off including Liquitex, Cotman, Winton, Galeria and Artist's ranges too.
Promarkers Winsor and Newton Artists' Canvasses, Artists' brushes,
Bulk boxes of Envelopes
and much much more