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Factory Shop Clearance sale

Massive clearance sale of fine art materials - all must go

Following a review of our business we have decided to focus on our schools supply business and sketchbook manufacturing and we will no longer be stocking the majority of our fine art range in our factory shop.

Our clearance sale runs throughout and February and includes:

50% off all loose paint tubes, 50% off Winsor and Newton brushes, 50% off loose Faber Castell pencils, Silk paints and Marblin inks only £2.00 per jar, 50% off Faber Castell loose pastels both oil and chalk.  All must go

Discontinued lines include an extensive and comprehensive range of fine art materials, with oils, acrylics, gouache and watercolour paints including brands such as Liquitex, Winsor and Newton ranges, Galeria, Cotman, Winton and their professional range of paints and mediums, as well as a selection of Daler Rowney branded products. Display racks full of tubes of artist's paints

Pro-markers, artist' mediums including varnishes, masking fluid, gesso primers etc. as well as a range of brushes are all hugely discounted. Oil pastels, chalk pastels, marblin inks and glass paints and much more, all must go. Grab a bargain now, once gone it's gone. opening times